Common Injuries And Ailments

Dont be fooled...

Soft tissue injuries are no laughing matter!

Soft tissue injury: " any injury/trauma to a joint (including your spine) and it's connective tissues which include ligaments, tendons ,and muscles, due to excessive force resulting in chronic pain, limitation, and potential disability"

It is not uncommon for individuals who have been in an auto accident to initially feel OK. In fact, it can be days, weeks, or even months before symptoms become so bad that the person seeks care. Be aware of these sometimes subtle, yet persistent, auto injury symptoms:

- headaches

- neck/shoulder pain

- low back pain

- sharp/radiating pain

- numbness

- muscle weakness

- dizzyness/fatigue

- depression

- sleep disturbance

- vision changes

Any of these symptoms can indicate something more serious going on. In an independant 2003 Insurance Research Council (IRC) study, 73% of all car accident victims showed no "visible " signs of injury. Concerning that same 73%, nearly 55-66% later developed an increase in persistent pain that resulted in chronic pain, loss of work hours, and eventual depression. Don't let this be you...dont let a small ache now become a big problem later!

Protect your body, your future, and your quality of life because you only have one of each. Call us today and we'll be happy to answer your questions and address your concerns.

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9:00 am-6:00 pm


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